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Make an Impact

Host a Fundraiser

Host a Fundraiser

Young man laughs in foreground with entrance to CHN apartment building in the background

Thank you for your interest in hosting a fundraiser!

All fundraising and/or supporting events must be approved by the our Resource Development and Marketing Team in advance and in writing. The following will ensure a successful event that will benefit CHN and the organizers in a positive way.

Application/Approval Process

Please compete the application form no less than three months prior to the proposed fundraising activity.  CHN's Resource Development and Marketing Team reserves the right to disapprove any application that does not complement the mission of or project a positive image of the organization.   

Activities that will not be approved include: 

  • Telemarketing
  • Promotions that require CHN endorsement of a product, service or the direct sale of a product or service
  • Those that compete or conflict with an already established or scheduled event to benefit CHN or fail to comply with any municipal, county, state and or federal laws

Once Approved

  • CHN’s legal counsel reserves the right to review all related contracts and service agreements. No contracts or service agreements should make mention or refer to CHN.
  • CHN will not be involved in any manner with second- or third-party liquor permits.
  • CHN and the Board of Trustees are not liable for any injuries sustained by volunteers or participants at an event benefiting CHN, and cannot assume any type of liability for your event.


All publicity must be approved by the Resource Development and Marketing Director prior to distribution. Publicity may not imply that the event is sponsored or co-sponsored by CHN or involved as anything but the beneficiary. Please provide a copy of your publicity plan including but not limited to flyers, posters, ads and press releases to Arlene Reitter, Resource Development and Marketing Director.


Solicitation of businesses on behalf of CHN must be approved in advance by the Resource Development and Marketing Director.  Many companies are already generously supporting the organization and may not wish to receive additional request.

Please contact Arlene Reitter at or 614.487.6700 with any questions about hosting a fundraiser to benefit CHN.

Fundraising Event Host Application
First Name *
Last Name *
Address Line 1 *
Address Line 2
City *
State/Province *
Postal Code *
ext Extension
Please note that expenses must not exceed 50% of gross proceeds.
I have read, understand and agree to abide by the proceeding guidelines for fundraising events and promotions to benefit Community Housing Network.

Corporate and Foundation Partners: