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Impact & Stories

CHN resident sits at his desk and smiles at the camera

Meet Harbieh

To CHN resident Harbieh, March means much more than spring breezes and warmer weather. She will be spending the month celebrating a significant Islamic holiday, Ramadan, and reflecting on her spiritual and personal growth. Ramadan is celebrated every year in the ninth month of the Muslim lunar calendar, and is observed for the entire month leading up to the final celebration, Eid al-Fitr. The holiday commemorates when Muhammad received the Quran from Allah. 

The observance for Harbieh involves fasting from dawn to dusk, working on her inner self, and connecting deeper to her religion. She ends each day by gathering in her home with her children and grandchildren, to “break” their fasts and enjoy a delicious meal. it is a part of her life that she is immensely proud of. The practice of fasting makes her empathize with those who go hungry every day all around the world, and reminds her to be grateful for all that she and her family do have. 

Harbieh spends much of this time volunteering with her mosque and giving back to her community that has given so much to her over the years. She also appreciates the sense of community that she feels among her fellow CHN residents, especially when they gather together in the summer for cookouts, gardening, and neighborhood strolls. of this time volunteering with her mosque and helping the less fortunate in her community.

Harbieh loves to decorate for Ramadan every year, turning her home into a beautiful, serene space for her to observe the holiday. She is an avid DIY-er, and enjoys turning thrift store and dollar store items into colorful decorations. We are honored at CHN to provide safe, stable housing for Harbieh, allowing her to practice her faith with family, peace, and community.

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