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Impact & Stories

Impact & Stories

CHN resident sits at his desk and smiles at the camera

Meet Felita

Woman with glasses and purple shirt smiles at the camera

Before connecting with CHN, Felita endured five months in a shelter and frequently moved between apartments. Hoping for a fresh start, she relocated to Las Vegas, Nevada, but faced years of instability, a toxic relationship, and substance use disorder. After 15 years of unreliable housing, she returned to Columbus. Initially, she stayed on a friend’s couch, but this arrangement was short-lived, leading to homelessness.

Felita’s situation began to improve when she connected with CHN and secured her own apartment. The supportive services at CHN helped her set goals, attend counseling sessions, and prepare for job opportunities. With newfound confidence, she is now pursuing her goals of employment, obtaining a temporary driver’s license, and staying active.

Despite not having close family, Felita has found support and peace within the CHN community. The services provided have empowered her to build a stable life. She has found her home and strength at CHN, stating, “When I am at home, I’m at peace. I consider the people here to be my family.” Felita even gained the strength to quit smoking.

An enthusiast for activities, Felita dislikes boredom and organizes social events in her building, including the ‘Super Summer Popcorn Explosion!’

Felita is grateful to the building staff for their support, especially for accompanying her to doctor’s appointments, which can be daunting. She expresses her gratitude, saying, “I want to say thanks to CHN for accepting me, making me stronger, and for keeping me motivated.”

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